Scientific Name : Nerium oleander L.
Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive
Habit : A small shrub with milky juice present. Leaves : Verticillate in 3 or 2 opposite, linear- lanceolate, narrow at both ends. Inflorescence : Terminal panicles of cymes. Flowers : Pink, red or white, single or double, fragrant, bracteate. Bracts small, calyx divided to the base, lobes 5, linear, acute. Corolla campanulate, petals 5, rounded, overlapping, corona of 5 scales present in the throat of the corolla, each scale divides into 2-7 free segments. Stamens 5, included filaments short, anthers connivent into a cone and adherent to the stigma, connective produced into a feathery appendage. Carpels 2, distinct, style long, stigma dumb-bell shaped. Fruit : A pair of follicles, seeds many, comose. Flowering and Fruiting Time : All the year round. Significance : Commonly grown in the gardens everywhere. The whole plant is extremely poisonous.
Specimen Information
Common Name(s):
कणेर, कणेरी, Oleander, Rose Bay
Nerium odoratum Lam. Nerium odorum Aiton Nerium floridum Salisb. Nerium flavescens Spin Nerium carneum Dum.Cours. Nerion oleandrum St.-Lag.
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Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa) -
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Phone: 9960072282
Email: [email protected]