About College
We are happy to inform you that our institution plays vital role in developing rural area of the Eastern part of Pune district by giving higher education to the youth especially girls. The Pandurang Gramin Vikas Pratishthan’s Dilip Walase Patil College of Arts, commerce &Science College Nimgaonsawa was established in 27th July 2009 by the great vision of our honorable shri Pandurang Pawar Saheb .The college is covered the area of 4 acres...
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President’s Desk
The keel of Shri Pandurang Gramin Vikas Pratishthan was laid by founder Chairman hon’able Pandurang Pawar Saheb in the year 1996. Pandurang Gramin vikas Pratishthan is playing a vital role in developing rural area in India in various ways. This Pratishthan was founded with the grand object of gathering youth in the rural area and inspire them to develop their overall personality and help the needy people in village doing this to serve the Nation .It is Hon’able Pandurang Pawar Saheb’s strong conviction that rural youth play a vital role in nation building . Pawar saheb is influenced and impressed by the thought of Mahatma Gandhi to serve the people in village If the youth in village is provided quality education they will get service in administration in various part in the nation and serve the nation. In order to give quality education to the youth in the Eastern part of the Pune district he founded Dilip Walase Patil College of Arts Commerce& Science in Nimgaon sawa,Tal-Junnar,Dist-Pune this Pratishthan influenced by the great tradition of “Varakari Sampraday” and that is why the slogan of this college is “Vishnuvin Jap ..Vyarth Tyache Dnyan” .

Hon. President
Mr. Pandurang Pawar
Chairman’s Desk
The tradition of incensement of growth of the Institute is kept
continue by respected chairman Mr. Sndipan Pandurang Pawar Saheb. Softness in
communication and devotion to work is speciality of his nature. Due to this in the
young age he has been given the charge of Shri Pandurang Gramin Vikas
Pratishthan, Nimgaonsawa as well as Shri .Pandurang Rural Nonagricultural
Cooperative Credit Society, Nimgaonsawa in the year 2020. In the same year he
has been given the chairmanship of the institute Dilip Walase Patil Arts, Commerce
and Science College, Nimgaonsawa with great courage he accepted all these
responsibilities and he is giving justice to all responsibilities. He proved with his
action that "Nothing is impossible....the word itself say ..I M Possible"
The object of development of rural people and by giving quality education to
the youth that is vision of our honorable founder father Shri. Pandurang Pawar
Saheb is being completed with great effort by our chairman Mr. Sndipan Pawar Saheb.
At the same time he always takes participation interestingly in cultural activities
,social activities, health camp,sports. He plays vital role in Junnar Premium Legue. -

Hon. Chairman
Mr. Sandipan Pawar
Secretary's Desk
It is our fortune of our Institute having Secretary like honorable Mr.Paresh Ganapat Ghode. He proved himself to be a skilful decision maker when he was member of Gram Panchayat (2010-2015)."Action speaks louder than words" is true to say about him. His father Mr. Ganapat Ghode sir gave him good education and developed skill of management and leadership in him. Taking in to consideration his skill and courage the village Nimgaonsawa decided to make him President of Junnar Premium League (JPL) and he became president of JPL in 2018. Beside the social work he is also a role model before the eyes of farmers in the surrounding villages for using modern technology in the farm. His role in the development of the institute is important because he gives attention very minutely to each and every activity of the college.-

Hon. Secretary
Mr. Paresh Ganpat Ghode
Institute Representative's Desk
Mrs. Kavita Pawar, a well Educated Computer Engineer, is Representative of this college .It is true to say that this college is fortunate enough for having such a Well Educated Representative especially in IT sector. Mrs. Kavita Pawar is so intelligent and is interested to fulfil the dream of our Founder Father Honorable Shri. Pandurang Pawar Saheb to serve the rural people by giving the youth quality education. The aim of Mrs. Kavita Pawar is to make the youth Employable in the Eastern part of the Pune district by giving them Computer Education to do this she wants to start new computer related courses like BBA, BCA, BCS, MBA, Nursing etc. Very soon these courses will begin in this college. The notable thing is that Mrs. Kavita Pawar is daughter in law of of our Founder Father Honorable Shri. Pandurang Pawar Saheb and also working for women empowerment by making them employable. She says "I will concrete the dream of Pandurang Pawar Saheb to make this college to remain its existence till the existence of Sun & Moon".-

Institute Representative
Mrs. Kavita Pawar
Principal’s Desk
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome and introduce you to Pandurang Gramin vikas Pratisthan's Dilip Walase Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College Nimgaonsawa. Since 2009 college is imparting quality education in Arts, Commerce and Science to the rural and hilly area. The founder of the Pandurang Gramin vikas Pratisthan's Hon’able Pandurang Pawar Saheb had an incisive understanding of the social ills that beset his times and fully realized the dire need of the spread of education as a panacea for all the social ills. From its beginning, the Education Society had laid its emphasis on the education for the downtrodden and the poor that really form the major bulk of the society...Read More...

• Providing quality education in emerging fields to produce knowledgeable and cultured human resource, contributing to the process of national development.