DVPC Biodiversity Portal

Scientific Name : Millingtonia hortensis L.fil.

Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive

Habit : A tall, straight, evergreen tree. Stem : Bark corky hence often called as Indian cork-tree. Leaves : Opposite, imparipinnately bipinnate, leaflets ovate-lanceolate, serrate, acute. Inflorescence : Panicles of racemes Flowers : White, sweet scented. Calyx bell shaped, small. Corolla tube long lobes 5, slightly bilabiate. Stamens 4-5, didynamous, exserted. Ovary 1-celled, ovules many style long, stigma 2-lobed. Fruit : Capsule flat, many seeded, seeds winged. Flowering and Fruiting Time : September-December Significance : Commonly planted in the gardens and as an avenue tree on the roads everywhere.

Specimen Information

  • Common Name(s):

    आकाश निम्ब, बुचाड़े झाड, Indian Cork Tree, Tree Jasmine

  • Synonym(s):

    Bignonia hortensis (L.f.) Oken Bignonia suberosa Roxb. Nevrilis suberosa Raf. Bignonia azedarachta J.Koenig

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    Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa)

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    Phone: 9960072282
    Email: [email protected]

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