Scientific Name : Mangifera indica L.
Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive
Habit : A large tree. Leaves : Lanceolate, acute, coriaceous, shining, entire, wavy. Inflorescence : Large, many-flowered panicles. Flowers : Small, polygamous, bracteates. Bracts ovate, small. Sepals ovate, concave. Petals oblong, reflexed with 3-strong, orange-coloured ridges on the inner surface. Disk globular, large, fleshy, 5-lobed, between corolla and stamens. Stamens 1-5, but only 1 fertile and much longer than the others, the others with imperfect or smaller anthers, purple. Ovary 1-celled, oblique, style excentric, ovule 1, pendulous, funicle basal. Fruit : Drupe large, fleshy, stone compressed, very hard. Seed large, testa papery, cotyledons plano-convex, often unequal. Flowering and Fruiting Time : January-May Significance : Extensively cultivated everywhere for its fine fruits.
Specimen Information
Common Name(s):
आंबा, आम, Mango
Mangifera amba Forssk. Mangifera anisodora Blanco Mangifera austroyunnanensis Hu Mangifera domestica Gaertn. Mangifera kukulu Blume Mangifera laxiflora Desr.
About Me:
Created By:
Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa) -
Created On:
Phone: 9960072282
Email: [email protected]