DVPC Biodiversity Portal

Scientific Name : Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton

Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive

Habit : A suberect shrub, scarcely climbing, young branches pubescent. Leaves : Opposite, membranous, variable in shape, broadly ovate or elliptic, obtuse, entire, glabrous, base rounded or subcordate, main nerves 4-6 pairs, petiole hairy. Inflorescence : Solitary or 3-flowered terminal cymes. Flowers : White, fragrant, pedicellate, bracteates. Bracts linear-subulate, pedicels hairy. Calyx hairy, teeth 5-9, linear-subulate. Corolla lobes as long as the tube, narrowly oblong, acute or obtuse. Fruits : Ripe Carpels 1-2 subglobose, black surrounded by the suberect calyx-teeth. Flowering and Fruiting Time : More or less throughout the year. Significance : The plant is considered cool and sweet. It is used in cases of insanity, weakness of sight and affections of mouth. The leaves and flowers are considered valuable as a lactifuge. The applications of bruished material to the breasts arrests secretion of milk in the puerperal state in cases of threatened abscess. Dried leaves soaked in water and made into poultice are used in indolent ulcers.

Specimen Information

  • Common Name(s):

    मोगरा, Arabian Jasmine, Jasmine

  • Synonym(s):

    Jasminum heyneanum Wall. ex G.Don. Jasminum blancoi Hassk. Nyctanthes sambac L. Mogorium sambac (L.) Lam. Jasminum fragrans Salisb.

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    Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa)

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    Phone: 9960072282
    Email: [email protected]

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