Scientific Name : Cestrum nocturnum L.
Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive
Habit : A small scandent shrub, branches yellowish with lenticels. Leaves : Ovate-oblong, acute, glabrous. Inflorescence : Axillary or terminal cymes Flowers : Individual flowers are supported by a bract. Calyx small, bellshaped. Corolla salver shaped or tubular, yellowish-green, very sweet-smelling at night, lobes 5, margins incurved. Stamens 5, filaments with linear appendages at the base. Ovary 2-celled, seated on a disk, style slender, stigma capitate, above the stamens. Fruit : Berry white, ovoid, many seeded. Flowering and Fruiting Time : July-November Significance : Cultivated in the gardens for its small, greenish flowers which are very sweet scented at night.
Specimen Information
Common Name(s):
रातराणी, Queen of the Night
Cestrum graciliflorum Dunal Cestrum leucocarpum Dunal Cestrum multiflorum Roem. & Schult. Cestrum nocturnum var. mexicanum O.E.Schulz
About Me:
Created By:
Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa) -
Created On:
Phone: 9960072282
Email: [email protected]