DVPC Biodiversity Portal

Scientific Name : Tamarindus indica L.

Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive

Habit : A large tree. Leaves : Paripinnate compound, leaflets 10-20 pairs, oblong, obtuse, stipules linear, caducous. Flowers : Flowers in few flowered terminal racemes pedicels articulated below the calyx, bracts concave, bracteoles small. Calyx conelike, segments 4, unequal, oblong, obtuse. Petals 5, 3 unequal, the other 2 rudimentary, obovate-oblong, yellow with pink-red stripes. Stamens 10, 3 fertile, united above half way up, the rest rudimentary, as small scales or bristles. Ovary stalked, ovules 8, 12 or more, stigma capitate. Fruit : Pod curved, indehiscent, with a tuft, scaly epicarp and an edible pulpy, acid mesocarp. Seeds 3-12, obovate-oblong, truncate. Flowering and Fruiting Time : May - July Significance : Cultivated for its edible fruits. The bark is used for loss of sensation in paralysis. The leaves are applied on inflammation.

Specimen Information

  • Common Name(s):

    चिंच, Tamarind

  • Synonym(s):

    Tamarindus officinalis Hook. Tamarindus umbrosa Salisb.

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  • Created By:

    Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa)

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    Phone: 9960072282
    Email: [email protected]

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