Scientific Name : Psidium guajava L.
Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive
Habit : A Small tree with bark white, thin peeling off young branches 4-angled. Leaves : Opposite, elliptic, acute. Inflorescence : Axillary solitary or 2-3. Flowers : Calyx tube ellipsoid, green, limb undivided when young, latter on 5-fid. Petals 5, white, Stamens many, free, inserted on the calyx-limb. Ovary inferior, multicellular, ovules many, stigma capitate. Fruit : A fleshy berry, many seeded. Flowering and Fruiting Time : April - May Significance : Cultivated for its edible fruits from which jam, jellies etc. are prepared.
Specimen Information
Common Name(s):
पेरु, Guava
Guajava pyrifera Kuntze Myrtus guajava (L.) Kuntze Psidium pyriferum L.
About Me:
Created By:
Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa) -
Created On:
Phone: 9960072282
Email: [email protected]