DVPC Biodiversity Portal

Scientific Name : Annona reticulata L.

Category : Angiosperms
Status : Alive

Habit : 3 - 5 m small tree with spreading branches, Young branches hairy. Leaves : 5 - 17 x 1.7 - 3.5 cm, glabrous ovate - lanceolate, minutely pellucid - punctate, petiolate, rounded at the base, transparent dots present, upper surface without hairs, the lower surface with a few scattered hairs. Flowers : 2 - 4 on lateral, glabrous pedicels. Sepals 3, small, ovate, acute, hairy. Petals 3, fleshy, triangular and hairy on both sides. Sometimes 3 small, minute inner petals are present. Stamens and carpels like above. Fruit : 10 - 15 cm across, yellowish brown, sub - globose or heart - shaped, fleshy composite berry with pentangular lightly marked areoles. Seeds : Smooth and blackish. Flowering and Fruiting time : September to November, December - May Significance : Fruit is eaten when ripe.

Specimen Information

  • Common Name(s):

    रामफळ, Netted Custard apple

  • Synonym(s):

    Annona excelsa Kunth Annona humboldtiana Kunth Annona humboldtii Dunal Annona laevis Kunth Annona longifolia Sessé & Moc. Annona lutescens Saff. Annona primigenia Standl. & Steyerm. Annona reticulata var. primigenia (Standl. & Steyerm.) Lundell Annona riparia Kunth

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    Botany Department (DVP College, Nimgaon Sawa)

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    Phone: 9960072282
    Email: [email protected]

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